Monday, August 17, 2009

Tug of War....

Well where do I begin?....have alot of feelings running through my mind right now....figured I'd right it all down

Relationship wise I just don't know what I want anymore.....of course me leaving ,and at this point, soon

im having alot of anxiety about my future and how,when & who I'm going to share it with....don't know if I should invest fully in someone considering my circumstances at the time or is it worth it for me to just wait & see where my love life takes me.....either way I don't wanna waste my time! Especially since time can not be taken back....

Whom I kinda have in mind for this I just don't know....can't read them like most people I can see through which further frustrates lol....

Oh what happen to the days when it wasn't all so complicated lol....

Had to get that weight lifted off of my mind and chest b4 it drives me